Kids Clip Ons


Ladies Clip Ons

You are welcome to cancel an order without giving us a reason, but we are always happy to get some feedback to help us improve our services. If you cancel before your order leaves our premises, we will issue you a full refund. Should your order be shipped out already, you will need to return the order to us before we are able to initiate a refund and you will be liable for any shipping costs. We recommend you to refuse the delivery of your order and the post will return it automatically to us; that way, no return shipping costs will incur to you.
If you accepted the delivery however, please let us know and we will work out the best option to return the order to us. More information regarding returns can be found on our Returns Page. Thank you
Please inform us of your wish to cancel your order or returning a product. We recommend doing so by e-mail ( Alternatively you can give us a call but please note your phone provider may charge you international call charges as we are located in the United Kingdom. Our telephone number is: (0044) 1475 674 305.