Kids Clip Ons


Ladies Clip Ons

Not sure what your daughter loves? You like surprises? Then start an adventure with our Clip On Treasure Chest, filled with 5 assorted Pairs of Children Clip on Earrings! What designs will you get? That's the surprise!
We can't guarantee that we get the perfect choice for your daughter's taste, but we will provide a good variety.
By the way: The Treasure Chests are made from papier mâché and this makes them perfect to be painted or decorated with stickers – ideally suited for your little artist.
And here is an other idea what you can do with it: Hide the treasure chest somewhere in your home, sketch a simple treasure map and send your girl on her own little treasure hunt! Our children love this game!
Do you think our children clip on earrings are a bit too childish? You want something more fashionable? No problems. Have a look at our Surprise Clip on Gift Box: This gift box is also filled with five randomly chosen clip on earrings, but they are all of a fashionable design. Good enough for Mum to borrow them!
Clip on Earrings, Arts and Craft Idea and Treasure Hunt – our Clip on Treasure Chest makes for the perfect gift idea. And they are cheaper than buying them singly too!
Artikelno.: 111156
Send your intrepid explorer on an adventurous treasure hunt! Whether in the garden, your local park or in your home, it's easy to give your little ones a littel adventure.
How is it done? It's easy!
First, think of where a good hiding place for the treasure box would be and where to start from. The treasure box should be well hidden but make sure it is easily and safely reached and there is no hazard to retrieve it. Some ideas are underneath the bed, hidden amongst other toys or in a low drawer.
Once you decided on the hiding place and starting point, sketch a plan of the area where the treasure hunt should take place; for example, draw the rooms in your home and mark the rooms your kid(s) have to wander through to find the treausre.
For extra "special effects" you can roll up the map and tie it up with a piece of string. Or scrunch the paper up to make it look older and more mysterious. Extra challenge wanted? Make a paper chase! This will take a bit more time, but is even more fun for the children! Instead of just one map, you will need multiple map with each map showing the way to the next map. No shortcuts possible! Or yet an other idea: Draw up multiple maps but only one of them leads to the treasure – all others lead to nowhere...
And while your little explorer(s) are busy hunting for the hidden treasure, you can relax over a cup of tea or coffee – you deserved it :)